(17) Images clipped by coastlines
This example demonstrates how coast can be used to set up clip paths based on coastlines. This approach is well suited when different gridded data sets are to be merged on a plot using different CPTs. Merging the files themselves may not be doable since they may represent different data sets, as we show in this example. Here, we lay down a color map of the geoid field near India with grdimage, use coast to set up land clip paths, and then overlay topography from the ETOPO5 data set with another call to grdimage.
We also plot a color legend on top of the land. So here we basically have three layers of “paint” stacked on top of each other: the underlying geoid map, the land mask, and finally the color legend. This legend makes clear how grd2cpt distributed the colors over the range: they are not of equal length put are associated with equal amounts of area in the plot. Since the high amounts (in red) are not very prevalent, that color spans a long range.
For this image it is appropriate to use the shade option in colorbar so the legend gets shaded, similar to the geoid grid. See Of Colors and Color Legends to learn more about CPTs and ways to draw color legends.
using GMT
Cgeoid = grd2cpt("@india_geoid.nc");
Cgray = makecpt(cmap=150, range="-10000,10000", nobg=true);
sealand(grdimage, "@india_geoid.nc", (region="@india_geoid.nc", shade="+d", proj=:Merc,
cmap=Cgeoid, title="Clipping of Images"),
grdimage, "@india_topo.nc", (shade="+d", cmap=Cgray), shore=0.5)
colorbar!(pos=(inside=true, anchor=:TR, offset=(0.8,0.2), size=(10,0.5), horizontal=true),
cmap=Cgeoid, xaxis=(annot=5, ticks=1), ylabel=:m, shade=true)
# Add a text paragraph
t = ["@_@%5%Example 17.@%%@_ We first plot the color geoid image"
"for the entire region, followed by a gray-shaded @#etopo5@#"
"image that is clipped so it is only visible inside the coastlines."]
text!(mat2ds(t, hdr="> 90 -10 12p 8c j"), paragraph=true, fill=:white, pen=:thinner,
clearance=(round=true,), offset=(-0.25,0.25), font=(12,"Times-Roman"), justify=:RB, show=true)
These docs were autogenerated using GMT: v1.23.0